Wednesday, December 29, 2010

trust in GOD

Today's Verse

[Jesus said,] "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."
— John 14:1-3 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

He's coming back! As much as the world likes to remember Jesus' first coming during the Christmas season, we need to remind them that his Second Coming will be even greater. We want to be prepared -- lives dedicated to his glory and hearts full of expectation at his coming.

My Prayer...

Loving God, I know Jesus will come again. May I be found faithful and expectant when he returns. Thank you for sending him the first time to live in my world and take away my sin. Thank you even more for his next coming to take me to live in your world and share in your victory over sin. In the name of Jesus my Lord, I pray. Amen.

*once again, i could not pass up on posting this devotion from . all rights go to them.

Monday, December 27, 2010

praise the Lord, o my soul

Today's Verse

Praise the Lord, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.
— Psalm 103:1-3 (NIV)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

Praise must not just come from our lips. Praise must emanate from deep within our soul, recognizing all the great blessings God has given us. While God is worthy of praise because he his holy and majestic and mighty, we have even greater reasons to praise him. He has been so very gracious to us!

My Prayer...

Holy and loving Father, I praise you for your gift of creation. I praise you for your love in granting us free will to accept or reject you. I praise you for choosing Abraham to be the beginning of faith and a people through whom Jesus would come. I praise you for sending Jesus. I praise you for providing the sacrifice for my sins. I praise you for raising him from the dead and triumphing over sin and death. I praise you for those who shared the Gospel of your grace with me. I praise for what you are doing through me and for me. I praise for what you are about to do and yet remains enshrouded in mystery to me. I praise because you are Almighty God who has chosen to be my Abba Father. In the name of Jesus Christ my Lord, I praise you. Amen.

**this was taken directly from all rights go to them : )

Thursday, December 23, 2010


i can't.... but HE can!

This means that even though we may struggle on our own, THROUGH JESUS, anything is possible.  He is always here for us, especially in times of trouble and worry.

acceptance : )

"Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God"
- Romans 15:7

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

does anybody hear her?

One of my favorites from casting crowns. They never fail to write such inspirational songs that touch people's hearts.

She is running
A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction
She is trying
But the canyon's ever widening
In the depths of her cold heart
So she sets out on another misadventure just to find
She's another two years older
And she's three more steps behind

Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even knows she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?

She is yearning
For shelter and affection
That she never found at home
She is searching
For a hero to ride in
To ride in and save the day
And in walks her prince charming
And he knows just what to say
Momentary lapse of reason
And she gives herself away

If judgement looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we never even met her

He is running
A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction 

Does Anybody Hear Her- Casting Crowns

word of God...SPEAK

I heard this song for the first time in a while and I had forgotten how much I loved this song. I also haven't blogged in a while, so I thought this was a good way to start blogging again. Hopefully I can find time to continue blogging because I love writing down some of my favorite verses and songs so I can keep them recorded somewhere.

I'm finding myself at a loss for words
And the funny thing is it's okay
The last thing I need is to be heard
But to hear what You would say

Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness 
Word of God speak

I'm finding myself in the midst of You
Beyond the music, beyond the noise
All that I need is to be with You
And in the quiet hear Your voice

Word of God Speak- MercyMe